there are times when we wonder if anyone should profess to be expert on aid without mapping solutions to water needs of 8 billion peopel- tjhis isnt our practivce area but we'll make occasional notes on ideas that sounded human when entrepreneurs mentioned them
league table of water's best social business with support from editorial team of Journal of Social BusinessWater for People partners with communities in developing countries to create sustainable, locally-maintained drinking water solutions and supports market-driven sanitation solutions. It recently developed a new open-source monitoring and evaluation technology called FLOW (Field Level Operations Watch), which leverages Android technology and Google Earth software for tracking the status of water points at least 10 years after implementation. brings safe water to those who are without it. It has driven innovations in the way clean-water projects are delivered and financed and developed demand-driven water and sanitation programs, using microfinance. These innovations now serve as a model — so much that Fast Company did a July 2011 cover story on the organization’s work, and actor Matt Damon has led a very high-profile role. Its WaterCredit has stimulated more than $5 million in capital from commercial banks to fund water and sanitation microloan portfolios.