dear Vincent would you be able ti join us zoom dc 8th from about 9.30 am WST - john and I will be chatting with hk jeanne lim at 9.30- back in spring she opened our eyes to race to scale women empowerment on the metaverse and as she had sold sophia into be the un's sdgs robot envoy she was already in middle of knowing all the challenges of the sdgs and digotal un2 roadmapping and ai deep maths challenges; she told us that lugging 7 cases to assemble sophia on un stafes was crazy as soon as avatars could do messaging 24/7- she also has berkeley psychology degree and is an asian yoga retreat leader for anything that womens cooperation uni want to go digital or embed/app community bottom up servant leadership gov2 - jesnne knows the nexus within hong kong gamers and others concerned with both digital media, landless youth celebrities and ai being diversely deep and ethical; its probable that the female ethics director of microsoft in san francsico will join in at 10am est - if first knew her when at georgetown in 2008 she organssed student union concerned with womens acid victmes; dec 8 is profiably our best chance this year of getting a quorum though we'd love to update with you t any time- there my be a part 2 on arts from about 11; and I am still trying to get the female founder of to meet john - what she proved 2 weeks ago is that those who understand gaming platforms can now host college level training and stackable certifiication without bricks-costly college campuses- arizona state which was always supposed to be the tech connector of SOROS osun has donated 5 by $2000 tickets to ed3dao to the big asu partners summit april 2023 fortuitously themed as ed on the edge and the sandbox subnetwork of animoca brands and asia's mr metaverse yat siu out of san francisco and hong kong also sees e3dao as its core education partner
.Lets share some lunchclub updates -more at | HUMANITY & INTELLIGENCE's FUTURE Thanks to Jensen Huang the last decade has been most exciting of 75 years dad Norman Macrae
| ![]() | Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money? Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y? MOTHER EARTHS CODES: ELERCTRIGICATION POWERS THINGS WITH ELECTRICITY: INTELLIGENCE EMPOWERS PEOPLES: FRESH WATER CONNECTS OUR HEALTH & EMOTIONAL COOL Please linkin with me (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters- |
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
breaking valley asks if we can host state of world zoom dec 8
Dear Makoto (wow great news dec1- can we see draft un speech), Jeanne Samira Vriti Vincent -please could you join us for a zoom 8th dec 7am us west coast time -...........................................- I will be writing individually with friend john kiehl whose in his 50th year out of new york and boston of hosting probably the most human/arts recording studio is usa soundtrackny; ...among several asks - in addition to who values artists and youth's heroines changing the 2020s world, who would like to write up/co-publish 3 pagers on year in 2023+ web and other futures educators and tech can help guterres celebrate in connecting gaps between younger and older half of world; a month ago i was in hong kong where several amazing teams are not just publishing visions but meta-scaling them; jeanne's is transferring legacy of robot sophia helping curate UN launch of sdgs to women empowerments meta-avatar curating that purpose of the verse; vriti has just hosted 3 day summit around her nft (association of up to 6000 youth futures co-creators) to me it showed anything i would ever want my mind shaped by at a university can now be online at dozens of parallel lecture rooms and after action debriefing meetups; and in happy digital worlds students can own their skills dashboards with personal mind trainers-- if thats how smartest 18 to 21 yeras olds demand their time is spent and UN future summits are staged 23-24- what about the rest of k-20 time of teachers and youth in a blockchainable world of whose courses and community service cooperations just do (what with) ITu? many generations of my scots diaspora family have been most influenced by asian human development in part because that was the intergenerational story since 1860 that the economist continued searching as legacy of its founder's impact on the uk royal family- queen voctria asked founder james wilson to go charter banking and taxes for quarter of beings on india subcontinet 1859- he only issued one state of nation survey before dying of dirrhea calcutta 1860; it took 112 yeras before women empowerment banking/edu for community building gravitated that out of the new nation of bangladesh- youth have been reporting views on that to us since 2007-dad's legacy circulating 2000 yunus books, 10000 dvds from 2008; our greatest support cam from hapan ambassdor to dhaka who organsied 2 rembrance diners chaired by sir fazle abed- two of 16 trips graduate jouranlists and I made to case study real and digital cooperations abed platformed; vincent has led 4 yeras of abed's university legacy; makoto's day job is nippon life government affairs; jeanne and vriti are scaling extrordinary meat-futures aligned to frameworks guterres has planted in every op division of un; samira and I discussed women victims of acid ttacks while she was postgraduating from Georgetown 2008; perhaps her story of whats next can start off our zoom ; ?? also collecting stioies at - a genre that emerged from consequence of dad meeting von neumann 1951- they agreed journalism's greatest scoop might be what good can peoples unite with 100 times more tech per decade - thks JW
7 year future itches- 180 ro 260 yer moral histiriues and millennials as sustainability generation
thank you for suggesting 7am pacific dec 8- let me see if i can arrange a zoom quorum - I will try and ask people to share a short profile- does their life's purpose gravitate a 7 year itch to 2030- what if any huge ops and threats have digital webs/life brought to human experience since 1990; ideally this summary would be in a version people are happy shared on linkedin and lunchclub type or similar formats; they can always cluster in smaller private groups; for me 7 year itch matches all of UN sdg deadlines, under 30 hopes for kinder and better community building worlds, what education-tech transformation is now needed and main story of Bill Gates in his mid 1990s book Way Ahead; he made the exponential auditing observation - for planners the puzzle is less change happens in 3 years than might be expected; much more change happens in 7 years; ; 2023 is 180th year since scots of adam smith mindset founded the economist to help queen victoria transform empire round goals 2 1 - eg end starving the irish, design bank and taxes by and for quarter of beings on india subcontinent - Economist founder james wilson had some success with food getting corn laws repealed but when queen victora authorised charter bank of india - he only issued one state of indian continent report before dying of diarrhea a year after arriving in calcutta; in effect it took 112 years before women empowerment banking by fazle abed sorted out both end death by diarrhea and aid 2.0 through which up to a billion asian village mothers develop 2020-1970; I want to publish something on this in 2023 either as a book firm or a shared futures conversation; also friends at glasgow university inted june 2023 to mark 265th ketnote of smiths moral sentiments with microedusummit - one immediate goal of the zoom who wants to publish a 3 pager on what to design into web 3 or meta - obviously I am just rehearsing aloud what dec 8 could dialogue around-if you have another way to frame whats next. I'd love to hear that; my fathers life at the economist tried to action a scoop he and von neumann agreed when they met in 1951- if the legacy of the Goats of maths was 100 times more tech per decade- what goods could peoples unite? we are arguably in the last round of playing our species greatest game; this also matches keynes final chapter of general theory of employment, interest, money
Thursday, November 10, 2022
2022 = 60th year since dad Norman at The Economist started connecting asian and western youth as if sustainability depended on this - Aiming to end 2022 (leap forward with second half of UN sdgs race 2023 eg designed to celebarate 10000 most exciting youthful storytellers of goals and actions of sustainabliity generation) with lots of celebration of asian mediated solutions which every western millennial and educator needs to know exist - and are ready for web3 decentralisation anywhere in need
this weekend - an extraordinary edtech summit is led by asian american in New York Vriti Saraf; if it hadnt been for covid likely she would still be at the whittle school in shanghai - certainly new york and east coast education's gain
if you look at or we look at many ways that Guterres Un2.0 would not ecist with asian ed tech starting up digitk ciperation acriss the UN in 2016
interesting too is the Un league table of egov-
fascinating whos leaping up the rankings becasue most of teh basiic of empowering citizends with digital gov can be replicated from anywhere that first shows how - singapre is one place whose egov solutions almost every others natiuons citizens can gain from knowing about
next year will be 40th since dad and I sent 2025report to the publsjers - how to escape orweel's big broth endgame - assembling final edition of that still work to be done on finding escape routes (from hell's like Putin , next void or nature's wrath) - wonder if must wil; koin us with twitterversal case; if noy how about or my extraidinary debriefs last month from
estonia and slovenia are other stars as their versions of AI help augment human skils - japan has partnered with slovenai and teh 14 UN coleges to spead these clebrations
wow and thansk everyobe chris and lessons from billion poorest asian mothers