Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money?
Economistwater.com: Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y?
MOTHER EARTHS CODES: ELERCTRIGICATION POWERS THINGS WITH ELECTRICITY: INTELLIGENCE EMPOWERS PEOPLES: FRESH WATER CONNECTS OUR HEALTH & EMOTIONAL COOL Please linkin with me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters-
  • Paris Inteligence Action summit February,
  • Santa Clara future of accelerrated computimng partners- nvidia santa clara Japan's Osaka Expo - 6 months in which any nations pavilion can virally survey inteligence of any other pavilion
  • Canada's G7- will all 7 nations leaders sink or swim together. Of course if we the peoples can decide what inteligences top 20 spaces need to be, we have a chance to change every education momemt og every age of person at every community around the world in line with the future of capitalism that The Economist premiered in 1976.Japan and silicon calley had payed with the first decade of moore's law - would other places be free to entrepremeurially join in the milliion times more compute in time?
  • .

    Wednesday, January 5, 2022

    can one of education's most urgent crises be solved from 2022 on

     In 2008 we started hearing testimonies from an ever increasing number of nations on how more than half of childrens lives were potentially being wasted by an ever increasing mismatch between skills and livelihoods; in particular with ever less long term employment by big companies many youth need examination culture replaced by experiential learning skills to entrepreneurially create their own livelihoods; additionally while there may be recognition that sports stars need practice practice practice why isnt this understood fpr coding, most forms of engineering almost all arts forms???

    then there are ot5her issues - eg new green livelihoods; missing 100 million last mile health workers ..

    then edutech is in play like never before - lets use it to innovate missing futures of education not past.

    3 gamechanging dec 2021 summits may have planted an unstoppable change blowing through 2022

    rewired wise yidan

    wendy kopp receiving the 10th year of wise global lauretaes announced her 60 nations teachers corps will change the purpose of education - listen to her here

    we are compiling a top 10 of networks such as abed's women empowerment networks https://www.catholicuni.com/search?q=4.3+skills+OR+jobs who have continuously informed us of this crisis  - please share your views chris.mscarae@yahoo.co.uk

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