Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money?
Economistwater.com: Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y?
MOTHER EARTHS CODES: ELERCTRIGICATION POWERS THINGS WITH ELECTRICITY: INTELLIGENCE EMPOWERS PEOPLES: FRESH WATER CONNECTS OUR HEALTH & EMOTIONAL COOL Please linkin with me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters-
  • Paris Inteligence Action summit February,
  • Santa Clara future of accelerrated computimng partners- nvidia santa clara Japan's Osaka Expo - 6 months in which any nations pavilion can virally survey inteligence of any other pavilion
  • Canada's G7- will all 7 nations leaders sink or swim together. Of course if we the peoples can decide what inteligences top 20 spaces need to be, we have a chance to change every education momemt og every age of person at every community around the world in line with the future of capitalism that The Economist premiered in 1976.Japan and silicon calley had payed with the first decade of moore's law - would other places be free to entrepremeurially join in the milliion times more compute in time?
  • .

    Saturday, January 29, 2022

     hello Rose - i was talking at lunchclub to sean kelly and looking at our common connectiosn I realised you and hadnt chatted much in spite of having 11 mutual connections many of whom inspire me- I have 3 sorts of questions: 1 starting with my father at the economist for over 60 years now one of my family's favorite debates: what will be consequence of all this tech- father was lucky to meet von neumann; became quizmaster of his legacy at the economist and biograhpher; now for first time in 20 years there is new bio - man from the future; I think von neumanns family would love to see a survey of whos most using tech to help millennials be the sdg generation; on that subject I was lucky to visit bangladesh 15 times to interrview fazle abed on empowering billion village women www.abedmooc.com - he died dec 2019 and I am trying to make sure his top 30 solution networks continue; while i8 live in dc I see new york as most critical city over next 2 years on UN sdgs , ESG, fintech - do you or friends have suggestions for new york map worthy of sending to von neumann family? conversely love to hear your questions- whether similar or different. Fundamentally i see usa as being in an education crisis - not helping youth experientially learn much of what they lives/livelihoods need to celebrate.. Are there some of our mutual connections most active around you?

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