.Lets share some lunchclub updates -more at Economistdiary.com/2020 eg what are varous ways ordinary pcusers are expected to use the new ai pc- at different entry level- for example am i correct that one has to invest about 15000 dollars to be a lamda 3 connector through pc? Or for those (eg parents of 11 year olds in usa 2025-8) who just want eg emails whatsapp zoom (tiktok) linkedin algorithms to sort out 30 years of virtual connections whats min dell system to buy? I am also looking for chapter s[omsors of 2025report.com last of 75 years of mediation by my family and von neumann family and for 40 years The Economist 1951-1990 including now King Charles AI summits- from 1964 Tokyo Olympics win-win between both island post-emires (dad norman awarded honors by both) HUMANITY & INTELLIGENCE's FUTURE
Thanks to Jensen Huang the last decade has been most exciting of 75 years dad Norman Macrae 1:: 2 and then I have had privilege to question inteliligence's future. In 1951 Von Neumann suggested to dad to dad that Economists and Media might be generatively disastrous unless they celebrated questioning future's with engineers. Check out the world Jensen Huang has been inviting humans to linkin since he commited to designing million times more energetic computing including today's AI Chats and deep learning robots.
India 2024 : 2
India 2016
Silicon Valley 2024
2015 with Elon Musk move video to 97 mins 40 secs
Valley March 2025.
Taiwan 2024
Taiwan XX
Wash DC 2024Japan 2024
.Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money?
Economistwater.com: Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y?
MOTHER EARTHS CODES: ELERCTRIGICATION POWERS THINGS WITH ELECTRICITY: INTELLIGENCE EMPOWERS PEOPLES: FRESH WATER CONNECTS OUR HEALTH & EMOTIONAL COOL Please linkin with me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters-
  • Paris Inteligence Action summit February,
  • Santa Clara future of accelerrated computimng partners- nvidia santa clara Japan's Osaka Expo - 6 months in which any nations pavilion can virally survey inteligence of any other pavilion
  • Canada's G7- will all 7 nations leaders sink or swim together. Of course if we the peoples can decide what inteligences top 20 spaces need to be, we have a chance to change every education momemt og every age of person at every community around the world in line with the future of capitalism that The Economist premiered in 1976.Japan and silicon calley had payed with the first decade of moore's law - would other places be free to entrepremeurially join in the milliion times more compute in time?
  • Thursday, September 22, 2022

     I am working on a chapter outline to final 2025report last edition to be published for summer 2023 - as a resource of possible benefit to UNsummitfuture and Glasgow microeducationsummit.com hune 2023 (aka 265th celebration summit of adam smiths moral sentiment system designs)

    appendix  what do scottish followers of smith see the subject of economics as being (and not ) being about?

    chapter 1 when my father died in 2010 the economist's long time science editor viscount matt ridley reviewed my father and and my 1984 version of 2025 report - how could a book timeline coming technology opportunities of web 1 and 2 accurately but end up with all of its societal hopes dashed? \- chapter 1 - the 3 greatest 20th century puzzles my family tree were concerned with -

    maternal grandad writing up legalese of India's Independence

    paternal grandad working between the wars in British Embassies primarily gathering intel on the risks being spun by Hitelr and Stalin

    father having survived spending his last days as a teenage navigator allied bomber command burma, meeting von neumann in princeton and being asked to apply journalism's greatest scoop- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decade? 

     why i believe those living in 2020s have the most exciting responsibility - best last chance humans will have of preventing extinction before century 22

    chapter 2 brainstorming in more details what sorts of goods you might have checklisted if you met john von neumann  - eg is replacing wars by peace a good humans are capable of?; which markets offer way above zero sum opportunities cooperative markets eg education (life critical community knowhow apps) which multiplies value in use unlike consuming up things; if by 2020s population size increases 4 times to 8 billion peoples and by then most peoples livelihoods depends as much on virtual production as next door, what changes will leaders of places need to help peoples celebarte staying ahead of?

    chapter 3 - why until the death of kennedy 1963 - mediating von neumann's legacy and celebrating twin ai labs facing pacific 70% of peoples stanford, atlatntic 20% of people MIT seemed to be doing better than expected given brand USSR's  clear and present threat to everyone including its own people

    chapter 4 by 1971 had the americam mindset to the world changed and why did father foresee dramatic consequences of nixon taking the world's currency off the gold standard- what was his systemic purpose in helping to launch new innovation lenses - both future history and entrepreneurial revolution's ( bew capitalism- Economist 1=976 Xmas Survey).

    chapter 5 the media challenges anticipated in 2025 report - mass media had gone off course in valuing trust of humans relationships- could web 1, 2 be designed tonopen society trust in each other; where are the most postive cased of intergenetartion human development as we approach the new millennium - exactly what did places like singapore or hong kong do to extend what eg japan and korea south had been freed by usa to develop ; where else has human courage developed freedomsd against all odds 9eb=g the billion women on the contient of tropical asia and how communities empowered their extrordinary increase in life expectancy  

    chater 6 so why couldnt public mass  media successfully mediate one primary new millennium goal on digital and real community cooperation to celebarte millennials generation


    whats the good news of those innovating education and gov2.0

    what else inspires you somewhere- can we play a game of world recird jobs creators - if you carried a pacj of 52 playing cards around with you - how many would we agree on; how do we value the contectually different choices we make

    conclustion does the human race still value ist children as what united usd 8 billion beings- if not are the sdgs blah blah blah

    as i say i welocme advice if you think there's a beter chapter layout - even co-editirs if anyone actually wants to share the same mindspace as that I am struggling to optimistically find 

    Tuesday, September 20, 2022

     It seems to me that if we the people want our children to be the sustainable generation then we must ask the UN to free education which values 10 times more productivity at community levels than wherever it is that monetary economists count to the exclusion of every way families serve one another locally

    Admittedly I was slow to understand the full extent of celebrating sustainability - it took me 16 trips to bangladesh and about 50 events interacting with those who had empowered billion women to build asian communities

    once you start studying this - you'll never stop seeing huw extraordinary the emotional intel reality of human beings can be

    IS 100 TIMES (PER DECADE) MORE TECH SUSTAINABLE? Case studies of 10 times more value in community building than separating global GDP  - eg 1 billion womens asian empowerment (studied through my family's 100 trips to asia since 1943 including 50 of mine 16 to Bangladesh)

    2023 aims to publish final edition of 2025report. That's 40 years on from publishing our first book -and 70+ years on from Economist journalists being trained to mediate this question with John Von Neumann's assistance

    We seek a cooperation with people who believe community work (last mile life chnaging services) is up to 10 times more valuable than global workforce. Since 0/11 we have studied the UN a lot and we concluded the hidden agenda of all UN goals workd comes down to this valuation chalenge. There is no pint national or global indusytry leaders declaring goal commitments unless we sort out how much needs to multiply locally if the goal is to be reality in action not just media chat.

    The deadlines launched in 2015 around the newly deckated sudtainability development goalsd are particuloarly interesting. At a year one review at the UN hosdted by Gordon Brown, the overall conclustion of educational leaders from over 30 countriesd was these are not going to be acheieved for most children this century unless education and tech transform each other. Whats interesting is following how firstly 3 people met the next day to start what became the digoital cooperation movement and is now thye UN tech envoy secreatary general's UN22 digital roadmapping. Of the 9 playing pieces for youth to unite 8 billion beings with UN2.0 the two tech playing poieces are very clear AIforgood goes back to von neumann 1951 or earlier; global connectivity goesd back to fopunding of ITU in 1965. The clarity of education's role needs some searching - you need to know that global digital copoperation means edtech clebrating value of mnext generation and digotal capactity building emans unlearning and learning of the older half of the world. Once you understand those 4 playing pieces youi can enthusdiatically code enviraonment adaptation from the boottom up. You can ground the 4 human ideals communally (ie rights inclusion public goods safety/trust)

    Back in our 1984 book we expected goals celebrating the first generation of the new millennium to pose the mother of all media problems. Our recommendation in 1994 was that public media like the bbc's world service should partner in launching tyhe first reality tv program to partner with the worldwode web. if this was timed as the web became at leasdt as influential as broadcast tv we could get the best of both worlds. Publish the generations goals as an innovation chalenge for viewers to continute to webchat aroujnd. Make this chat the number 1 home page of those who wamnted web1 to value education to the maximum. It has always been our view that education not economics develops people- did the choicken or the egg comes first doesdnt need to be a conflict. Anyone wjo parents is beginning a journey on education comes first at least for the most productive period of their lives.

    Monday, September 5, 2022

    believe it or maths people dont like jargon- we love codes wizards who help everyone join in apping or mapping!


    what you see is artistic genoius in that invites you to find fun ways of escaping a stitation we all face in 2020s that  scares me as a maths guy senseless is systems through which powerful mens rule the world with decisions that compound a chaotic mistake- literally chaos maths refers to a system that is out of control because nature is multiplying connections at levels (exponentially longer and data deeper) than humans are measuring - in other words even the so-called experts are blind to the gtrreatest risk that is multiplying like an out of contrlo caner - if teacherhers and kids only knew one gift from einstein, being vigilant about chaos would be my choice- an example is a pandemic -its nature making connections at a smaller and faster level than we humans have yet mapped

     What good do you most urgently want to see humans unite round through every community worldwde by 2030? It might be one of the UN sdgs; it might be combo of sdgs; you might simply want to describe it in your own words then we can search cooperation of skills and goals needed to make it happen.

    My family has always wanted to see a world in which each next girl/boy born has a good chance at life because every community's diversity is being optimised round families or civil networks who want a better life for next generation. Perhaps my happiest year of 25 in usa was that when Jim Kim became world bank leader in 2012. His message every young professional - first 10 yeras as graduate needed to apply their skils to any professional system not fit for sustaining their generation 

    .Jim Kim had some busy years; when Evola struck Africa, and the world's response appeared slow - it was jim kim who celebrated last mile jealth workers in place even if some country durectirs at the world bank argued his contract prevented him from poutting health service first - but probalby the least appreciated but with hindsight most important move kim timed; listening in 2016 to year 1 review of education sdg4 goal- 30 experts mainkly agreed we will never make it unless-

     it was kim who connected educatrs and all thye un's tech in geneva- with that move when guterres took over UN lead there wouldnt have been digoital cooperation goin on in geneva among educatirs tech and a hew heroines like medinda gates- today we wouldnt have the 9 pieces game inviting every skill to play at roadmapping UN2.0 - tech envoy

    start taking on the 9 playimng poece of UN2 raodmapping -eg how can we benfit from the 30 most exciting cooperation that 1 billion asian vilage women have relentless cooperated aroiund since 1972 :Bangladesh Rural Adbanement Cooperation abedMOOC.com

    where can ed have most impact'where can tech wizards have most imapcat

    where can finance have the most impact

    which other skill do you love most taht you want to bring

    .CONNECTING EINSTEIN VON NEUMANN -what the heck is XP100
    Chaotic Einstein alumni have an opportunity to connect with what I see as von neumann and all the GOATS of maths greatest gift - and I still havent found a way to unjargonise xp100 sdgen - @ Princeton 1951 my dad, Norman, met von neumann who had less than 6 years to live; neumann said if i give you the most valuable question humans ever ask, will you tryoing getting economist jourmalists to mediate it EconomistDiary.com

    the question what good will people do exponentially with 100 times more tech every decade 1930s through 2020?s; good was very poignant to both neumann and dad; neumanns GOATS of maths had less than 6 more years to live- they had mainly had to spend their lives on the bad of nuclear arms racing; 9its quite sad to read how early Neumann was scribbling in his diary if only I could dedinate rest of my life to coding; but like all jewish maths immigrants to east coast usa he knew that the world could not afford hitler winning first prize of nuclear bombing

     since my father had spent his last days as a teen in allied bomber command burma, it was his life's hope that no other teens would ever need to do that again. When da joined the economst 3 years after the end of world war2 he was given a centenary autobiography the economist 1843-1943. This detailed how London Scot James Wilson had ultimately failed in trying to get queen victoria to design a world in which first london stopped starving half of teh irish to death; second teh quarter of teh epopels living on the subcontent of india had theoir onw banking system. In 1860 queen voctoria licensed chartered bank for Wilso to go do it, he died 9 moths after lading in cacutta of dairrehea. It took 112 more yeras before a viuolage womens bank was launched out of bangladesh- its first productive elap train illiterate vilage mothers to orally reyhdare infants so that 1/3 indfants in humimd vilages stop dying of diarrhea.

    Have a look at history or a genre my father coined in 1976 as Entrepreneurial Revolution. Over 90% of inventions that have advanced the human lot involved lots of trial and error by a cluster of people sometimes so many that eg in case of electricity its hard to say which one person made it What matters is cooperation around a greater good is opened up just in time. Will climate good come in time? Will simply loving each other across cultures come in time. These are probaly the most exciting questions any humans have needed to answer - and if you are reading this in the 2020s tik tok you have a share in the most exciting responsiblity ever - by 2030 the bard's to be or not to be will likely define whether millennials are the first exticntion generation or whether 8 billion beings united just in time

    an alternative write up of the above

    If we are nature's smartest species and if we have over many decades had the chnace to enjoy (neuman maths GOATS kegacy) 100 times more tech per decade (100 times more tech is the most general interpretaion of huamnising artificial intel - within 4 years of neumann's death twin ai labs facing pacific out of stanfordf and facing atlantic out of mit were opened and there are many innovations to diuarise around alumni who linked in either of these places. These alumni have literally planted innovayions all over the world- one example a chiense american who studied in silicon valley then texas then from 1986 started upthe world's largest chip production space out of taiwan.At the time taiwan was chinese diaspoare number 1 inward investir into china mainland and the world's number 1 recipient og innovations humansd wanted to see the 2/3 people who are Asian rise around. NB back in 1865 worldwide "te;e" techologies were born initially around the telegraph. We can look at global connectivity industries (most early ones begin with tel or rad whose business and social leaders valued one standard (noboy wanted more than 1 way of turning public goods of airwaves round more than 1 communicatiosn satnadad). The mediation of global connectivity imdustries has from the beginning hapepned out oif switzerland and fortuatly when the Un was born the policy hq of unining nations donated by new yorkers was digitally twinned with the ITU with space palais ge congress donated by sqiss in geneva. At least three practices were co-locared out of geneva probably because it was recognised huge innovation leaos were possible in health and in above zero sum trade maps with each new tele or leap in global connectivity)

    IF we accept that its only techforgood that can sustain all our childrens futures (even while techforcontrol may end our species) then its makes sense to map the ways tech skill people can design goods abover zero sums as well as agree what makes our species good (eg inclusion rights public goods, trus/safety) are the four the Un2 is mapping as benchmark for all gov fior sdgs

    When my father and von eummann fistrt debared goods )(above zero sum trading maps) the most obvious example was gaol 4 education . when we app life critical knowhow it multiplies value in use unlike consuming up thisngs. Thats why education is the one of the skills freinds of neumann oir the scorrish school of economists on which The Economsiut was founded lie to map everry skill rising out of the idea that everyone can be lifelong elarner and coach. For example in india they have discovered that it takes 90 days to end illitracy of any 6 yera old up; and any literate kid is capable of being the coach of the illeterate one if celebrated for doin so. This is a consequence of the motessorri format which remains the number 1 vilage scvhooling fpr,at where there are not enough resources nor kids of each age group to have classrooms for different ages. WE are not saying the age graded classroom is a good or bad thing if you can afford it. We would like to note 2 things - many skills develop expereintially - we understanjd that for eg music sports, arts- its actually true for coding and enginnering and many skills that are advanced by apprenticeships. If you are doing age classrooms two things are notable- please intervene if a child hasnt accomplished specific things listed by specific ages - see eg survey rioght hand column of innovations.ning.com. Einsten noted a design flaw when do standard examination classrooms empower kids to co-craete or join in teams? 

    All in al after 33 years of mediating neumanns question at teh economsit i coauthored in 1984 2025report- we mapped timelines for coming oif web 1,2,3. We explored the view that chnaging education would be nevcessary for human sustainability. We wanted tech to deliver each child her own skills dashboard and her own ai assistant of what skils to learn next as a fi=unction of life and livelihoods she was wanting to exploere

    -see jim im 2013 video take it on

    know that in 2016 after hopeless year 1 review on education che led connections of ed and tech in geneva - under the project ane digital cooperation - kim's time of inclusive educators became the process that designed all 9 pieces ofg un2.

     (in 2005 when google.org appointed epidemiologust larry brilliant to be the foundastion's first ceo, it seemed that a promise was being made that a top priority of tech's 21st c multipliers was intel we all needed to prevent pnademic destruction (I still dont wholly undersdtand what happened in silicon valley to have not turned do no eveil into doing some good so to speak - please note on balance I am defitnitely bot critiicisng google more than the 8 biggest dat comapnies taht took over most of the new value of the web 2 age but living walking distance from us national institute of health, its time that we the peoples tell lawyers and insurance and PR comoanies when a catstatrophic error is made we the peoples need the transparent lesson published openly fast -grow up as profesisons that sovieties give quasi-monoplies to-  t do no harm stop blocking life critical lessons )

    Sunday, September 4, 2022

     is it possible short meeting in NY sep 14 or 15 or another time; at many happy wise events; met sir fazle abed 16 times Bangladesh-  I was at last QF event unga 2019? -lot to catch up eg does QF connect with edu networks of tech envov Un2 www.ed3dao.com www.sdgmetaverseprize.org www.abedmooc.com