Thanks to Jensen Huang the last decade has been most exciting of 75 years dad Norman Macrae 1:: 2 and then I have had privilege to question inteliligence's future. In 1951 Von Neumann suggested to dad to dad that Economists and Media might be generatively disastrous unless they celebrated questioning future's with engineers. Check out the world Jensen Huang has been inviting humans to linkin since he commited to designing million times more energetic computing including today's AI Chats and deep learning robots.
India 2024 : 2
India 2016
Silicon Valley 2024
2015 with Elon Musk move video to 97 mins 40 secs
Valley March 2025.
Taiwan 2024
Taiwan XX
Wash DC 2024Japan 2024
.Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money? Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y?
MOTHER EARTHS CODES: ELERCTRIGICATION POWERS THINGS WITH ELECTRICITY: INTELLIGENCE EMPOWERS PEOPLES: FRESH WATER CONNECTS OUR HEALTH & EMOTIONAL COOL Please linkin with me (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters-
  • Paris Inteligence Action summit February,
  • Santa Clara future of accelerrated computimng partners- nvidia santa clara Japan's Osaka Expo - 6 months in which any nations pavilion can virally survey inteligence of any other pavilion
  • Canada's G7- will all 7 nations leaders sink or swim together. Of course if we the peoples can decide what inteligences top 20 spaces need to be, we have a chance to change every education momemt og every age of person at every community around the world in line with the future of capitalism that The Economist premiered in 1976.Japan and silicon calley had payed with the first decade of moore's law - would other places be free to entrepremeurially join in the milliion times more compute in time?
  • Thursday, November 10, 2022

    2022 = 60th year since dad Norman at The Economist started connecting asian and western youth as if sustainability depended on this - Aiming to end 2022 (leap forward with second half of UN sdgs race 2023 eg  designed to celebarate 10000 most exciting youthful storytellers of goals and actions of sustainabliity generation)  with lots of celebration of asian mediated solutions which  every western millennial and educator needs to know exist - and are ready for web3 decentralisation anywhere in need

    this weekend - an extraordinary edtech summit is led by asian american in New York Vriti Saraf; if it hadnt been for covid likely she would still be at the whittle school in shanghai - certainly new york and east coast education's gain

    if you look at or we look at many ways that Guterres Un2.0 would not ecist with asian ed tech starting up digitk ciperation acriss the UN in 2016

    interesting too is the Un league table of egov- 

    fascinating whos leaping up the rankings becasue most of teh basiic of empowering citizends with digital gov can be replicated from anywhere that first shows how - singapre is one place whose egov solutions almost every others natiuons citizens can gain from knowing about

    next year will be 40th since dad and I sent 2025report to the publsjers - how to escape orweel's big broth endgame - assembling final edition of that still work to be done on finding escape routes (from hell's like Putin , next void or nature's wrath) - wonder if must wil; koin us with twitterversal case; if noy how about or my extraidinary debriefs last month from

    estonia and slovenia are other stars as their versions of AI help augment human skils - japan has partnered with slovenai and teh 14 UN coleges to spead these clebrations

    wow and thansk everyobe chris and lessons from billion poorest asian mothers

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