.Lets share some lunchclub updates -more at Economistdiary.com/2020eg what are varous ways ordinary pcusers are expected to use the new ai pc- at different entry level- for example am i correct that one has to invest about 15000 dollars to be a lamda 3 connector through pc? Or for those (eg parents of 11 year olds in usa 2025-8) who just want eg emails whatsapp zoom (tiktok) linkedin algorithms to sort out 30 years of virtual connections whats min dell system to buy? I am also looking for chapter s[omsors of 2025report.com last of 75 years of mediation by my family and von neumann family and for 40 years The Economist 1951-1990 including now King Charles AI summits- from 1964 Tokyo Olympics win-win between both island post-emires (dad norman awarded honors by both)
HUMANITY & INTELLIGENCE's FUTURE Thanks to Jensen Huang the last decade has been most exciting of 75 years dad Norman Macrae 1:: 2 and then I have had privilege to question inteliligence's future. In 1951 Von Neumann suggested to dad to dad that Economists and Media might be generatively disastrous unless they celebrated questioning future's with engineers. Check out the world Jensen Huang has been inviting humans to linkin since he commited to designing million times more energetic computing including today's AI Chats and deep learning robots.
Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money? Economistwater.com: Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y?
Please linkin with me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters-
Paris Inteligence Action summit February,
Santa Clara future of accelerrated computimng partners- nvidia santa clara Japan's Osaka Expo - 6 months in which any nations pavilion can virally survey inteligence of any other pavilion
Canada's G7- will all 7 nations leaders sink or swim together. Of course if we the peoples can decide what inteligences top 20 spaces need to be, we have a chance to change every education momemt og every age of person at every community around the world in line with the future of capitalism that The Economist premiered in 1976.Japan and silicon calley had payed with the first decade of moore's law - would other places be free to entrepremeurially join in the milliion times more compute in time?
Sunday, March 19, 2023
2025 Report - final cooperation edition - what goods can people unite where first to access 100 times more intel-tech per decade My family has been researching future ops and threats of 100 times more intel-tech since my birth year, 1951, when dad norman met von neumann. Or if you count my grandfathers' works since the 1920s. My mathernal grandad. Sir Kemmeth Kemp, mediated visions with Gandhi out of Bombay (today's Mumbai) as that places chief justice over 20 years, before his last project: writing up for London the legalese of the independence of the quarter of humans on the subcontinent of India. My paternal grandad was Britain's main diplomat connecting intel on the evils of Hitler and Stalin. Dad was home-schooled in British Embassies including Stalin's Moscow to his early teens. He spent his las days as a teen navigating planes in alled bomber command Burma. So when dad met von neumann and agreed on behalf of The Economist to apply his survey on goods, they both had deep experiences of bads. They both interpreted ending poverty as designing a world in which next girl born had a fair chance to live out of every community
Agendas of humanly valuable intel. Above all Neuman was interested in mapping way above zero sum value exchanges. Thus when humans share life critical community knowhow value multiplies in use unlike consuming up things or printing paper currencies detached from standards other than political whim Von neumann and friend Einstein concerns included: End asymetries of the 8 biggest powers that had ended in 2 world wars; celebrate inclusion the up to 70% of beings that the colonial era had left out of access to electricity grids or telecoms; Outlast stalin as the one (insane) leader who wholly disagreed with the actions the UN was founded to serve; Mediate the threats of the maths Goats two defining future contributions to to physical energy and brain power. Neumann pit it like this: the energy source my networks are helping to develop will make scientists both the most hated and wanted citizens of any country; my other project the computer's augmentation of intelligence will one day be even more important- and potentially even more dangerous.
Welcome to roadmapping the 2020's you all are intergenerationally responsible for.
.UN Spring March 2023 - Guterres arranged for thousands to be pre-trained on foci of his last 3 college yeras:23-24 sdgs - we are going backwards since their 2015 declaration - what system breakdowns need fixing; 24-25 global futures forum ; 25-26 what if we value Entrepreneurial Revolution of civil society designs triangularising corporate and national designs. (26-27 sees UN2 election year transitioning beyond Guterres 10 yeras of leadership which began jan 2017.
Since the college year 2015-16 the world has lived with mediating the 17 sdgs framework, together with the emergence of UN2 digital roadmapping. And since spring 2016 at the 80th birthday party of Fazle Abed, the Digital Cooperation framework has emerged. Whilst this represents the cooperation development voices of the poorest billion womens and poorest billion men's development experiences since 1951, it also represents the new university brainstorming begun in 2001 between Fazle Abed and Mr and Mrs Steve Jobs. Neither Steve nor Fazle had completed 4 year pare certificated before more practical matters shaped their young adult lives. Thank goodness they weren't chained to academia's paper chases...
.THE nEWs. Although world trade growth may look as if it is driven by East-West shipping across pacific and atlantic oceans, North South counts exponentially too. Its the N-S Eurasian space that gestated the 2 world wars. Today the populations in charge of the Antarctic and Arctic circles may be a very small percentage, but climate models suggest supporting their innovations may be the borderless challenge around which risks of species extinction can be mitigated
www.economistdiary.com17 happiest cooperations ever webbed- we aim to help map these - long way ahead on sgoals 4 edu 5 womens productivity 6 sanitation/water - rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to join in or help map other sdg compasses- thanks to all www.friends20.com of 73rd annual ai updates started by von neumann and the economist 1951
BRAC WASH in Bangladesh has succeeded in reaching more than twice as many ultra poor people with sustained use of hygienic sanitation than it had even ...
BRAC has been implemenঞng the. “WASH in School' project ...
BRAC WASH programme has a vast
experience with working in schools. From
2007-2015, the programme with support
the Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands (EKN), worked in 5000 rural
secondary schools. Addionally, from
2014-2015, WASH facilies were
installed in 71 urban schools supported
by Splash, and 250 rural schools
supported by charity: water
Clean water
771 million people in the world live without clean water. That’s nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide. The majority live in isolated areas and spend hours each day walking to collect water for their family. Not only does walking for water keep girls out of school, but it steals the time women could be using to earn an income. And the water often carries diseases that make everyone sick.
2018 unescap sdg6 roundtableModerators: Ms. Maki Hayashikawa, UNESCO, Bangkok, Ms. Sunniva Bloem,FAO Regional
Office for Asia and the Pacific and Ms. Cristina Martinez, ILO
Presenting the Goal Profile: Ms. Eunhee Lee, UNESCO
• Ms. Shaila Shahid, Gender and Water Alliance
• M. Arvind Kumar, India Water Foundation
Discussant from civil society: M. Deepak Sasi Nikarthil, CSO- India
Working group moderators
WG1: M. Masato Motoki, UN Environment
WG2: Ms. Eunhee Lee, UNESCO
WG3: Ms. Cristina Martinez, ILO
WG4: Ms. Caridad Canales, ESCAP
Rapporteur: M. Ashok Kumar Jain, Adviser, NITI Aayog, Government of India
For media and interview requests, contact us on:unwater@un.orgmentioning [Media request] in the subject heading.
News and Media
Get the latest news from UN-Water; Understand what is happening around the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; Interact in our campaigns; Explore newly released publications and where events are taking place around the world.
Sameh has introduced a new system of community participation in sanitation design, creating a sewage system for smaller villages to connect their household septic tanks by gravity-fed pipes to a communal filtering facility. These sewage systems are being promoted in villages who are deprived of hygienic living conditions and will not likely have government programs’ support in the next decade or two. Sameh encourages participation in the local communities for their own sanitation design and implementation, creating a sense of ownership and pride while improving environment and health conditions.
mw PurePaani Portable Filters PurePaaniis an India-based social enterprise on a mission to make clean drinking water available to all. 163 million people in India lack access to safe water as 70% of groundwater is contaminated due to sewage and industrial pollutants. PurePaani offers a variety of portable purification products, including a hand-pump (pictured below), battery pump, or water tablet.
mw WASHKing WASHKingis a Ghanaian social enterprise providing low-income and underserved communities with access to sustainable sanitation products at an affordable price. WASHKing produces, supplies and installs environmentally friendly biodigester toilets made out of eco-friendly materials for low-income urban households and institutions to improve health and economic conditions on the continent. WASHKing’s technology treats waste on-site and does not require piping the waste off-site for treatment. The treated waste serves as manure and water for agricultural use, creating additional value for customers and for the environment. Its flexible payment terms, training on hygiene and after-sale services ensure that customers can get the maximum benefit from improved sanitation solutions.
mw EOS International In Central America, EOS Internationalis a social enterprise on a mission to make safe drinking water accessible throughout the region. EOS’ water purification technology is a low-cost, low-maintenance solution that attaches to any rural community’s water tank and inactivates pathogens in water systems by releasing a controlled dosage of chlorine. One system can provide clean water for up to 1,000 community members and requires no energy to use.
mw Desolenator Desolenatoris a social enterprise providing an off-grid, affordable, solar-powered water purification solution to customers at the base of the pyramid. Desolenator’s innovative technology is future-proofing businesses and communities by using 100% solar power to purify any water source – including seawater, brackish and heavy-metal contaminated – into potable water, without consumables like filters or membranes. In remote locations with complex contamination, Desolenator has also developed a number of successful corporate partnerships to help the solution scale,including one with beer producer Carlsbergto support its commitment to halve its water usage in its breweries by 2030.
mw Ecoloo Group Ecoloo Groupis a social enterprise on a mission to eliminate poverty through access to sustainable toilets for all. The Ecoloo toilet is eco-friendly, odor-free, water-free, sewage-free, and energy-free. Ecoloo employs a special formulated bacterial culture to treat and dispose of human waste, while transforming the viable parts into natural liquid fertilizer, and its range of offerings include both indoor and outdoor toilets for private and commercial use. Recently, Ecoloo Group was featured inAcumen’s Corporate Ready report
mw Sistema.bio Sistema.biois a social enterprise with a prefabricated modular biodigester package that includes a full suite of biogas appliances and connections. Easy to install and use, its patented high-efficiency biodigesters take organic waste and transform it into renewable biogas and a powerful organic fertilizer.
mw Proyecto Agua Segura Proyecto Agua Segura is a social enterprise from Argentina on a mission to achieve safe water for everybody. Proyecto Agua Segura partners with large corporations that face the challenges of water for their businesses , their communities of influence, and the environment in which they operate. Proyecto Agua Segura develops, manages and implements water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and environmental water projects that generate a positive impact on the business, on the efficiency of the resource, and on the communities. For example, Proyecto Agua Segura haspartnered with Coca Colasince 2018 to support its goal of replacing 100% of the water it uses to produce its beverages back into nature while improving access to clean water in the rural communities it operates in.
mw Nazava Water Filters Nazavais a social enterprise that provides high quality, affordable water filters that empower households with a free-flow of safe drinking water at the point of use. Using gravity as its main energy source, Nazava replaces the need for boiling water on wood or LPG, resulting in purified water that is 3x cheaper than boiling and 9x cheaper than buying water from refill-kiosks.[Editor’s note: Inspired by their mission and want to get involved? Check out this project with Nazava Water Filters
mw Sanivation Sanivationis a Kenya-based social enterprise that partners with local governments to deliver clean, safe, and efficient sanitation services to urbanizing communities in low-income countries. It does this by converting waste to industrial fuel as a sustainable option for boilers and kilns. Sanivation employs a systematic approach with its partners to design, build, and train local staff on how to manage non-sewered sanitation services that meet the environmental and cultural needs of specific locations.
mw Hydrologic (aka Tunsai Water) Hydrologicis a social enterprise that manufactures, distributes and sells ceramic water filters across Cambodia. About 72% of rural households treat their drinking water by boiling it, which can be inconsistent and requires energy, typically in the form of charcoal or wood (both of which result in greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.)
mw Folia Water Folia Wateris on a mission to make filters for pennies that make water accessible for billions. The Folia Water Filter is an antimicrobial filter paper containing silver nanoparticles that kill bacteria and viruses while filtering out dirt and larger parasites. One filter provides 20L of safe, germ-free water, with no heat required, no pump required, and no electricity required.
mw DrinkWell .Drinkwellis a technology platform for clean water that is embedded within water infrastructure, purifying millions of liters of water every month, worldwide. This systems-based solution equally prioritizes cost-effective, robust and environmentally-friendly treatment technology with simple, reliable, and convenient service delivery.
mw Loowatt Loowatt’sunique toilet system integrates revolutionary waterless flush technology with 360-degree waste processing to deliver hygienic and safe toilets for domestic and commercial applications.
mw Bhumijo Bhumijois a social enterprise that ensures access to hygienic public sanitation for all in Bangladesh. Bhumijo specially cares for women, children, and differently abled people. Its focus on business sustainability ensures that urban poor will continue to receive sanitation services without disruption. Bhumijo works in partnership with the local government in providing this essential public service, and also partners with private land / building owners to deliver public toilet service.
valuer.ai -v
v Kochi, India Blue Drops a UV Water Purifier, which disinfects water with UV radiation and Whole House Filters that filter water in order to remove contamination.
v Singapore EcoWorth partnered up with a Singaporean startup which developedCarbon Fibre Aerogel, an organic and recyclable material that filters wastewater by absorbing organic materials.
v Delft, The Netherlands Sealeauoffers their wastewater management technologies to companies who contaminate surface water, seawater and its biodiversity. By removing salt through no water-waste streams, the startup created a technology that enables companies to filter water to ensure it is reusable.
v Somerville, USA ZwitterCoZwitterCodevelops zwitterionic copolymer membranes, a sustainable and low cost product to manage wastewater. With their innovation,ZwitterCoserves its customers the ability toDewater their wastewater.
v Calgary, Canada SwirltexSwirltexoffersbuoyancy based membrane filtrationto its customers. This filtration systems is a sustainable wastewater treatment, suitable to many applications e.g. dairy processing and mining wastewater.
v Milano, Italy RevotreeRevotree is able to improve agriculture by decreasing water usage and an app to automate watering.
v Harrisburg, USA INTAG Systems INTAG systemsoffer a variety of agricultural systems to fit different sectors' needs.
v Netanya, Israel Cropx TechnologiesCropx Technologies has developed a management system used in farming for optimization, which results in the reductions in the amount of water, nutrients, energy and labour used.
v San Jose, USA Waterbit automated irrigation,Waterbits App makes it easy to check up on the progress and constantly control the data.
v Montreal, Canada BlubrimBlubrim offers a system to benefit aquaculture using artificial intelligence. Device test water quality with eight different parameters. With its AI-driven appAquaConnect, customers are able to monitor and control their aquaculture.
v Jerusalem, Israel DrizzleX smart water metering solution. The system works by installingFlowDx,
v Rotterdam, The Netherlands MetroPolder smart water management solutions in cities to decrease water waste. The startup's solution is to reuse rainwater for cooling, watering of plants, groundwater supplementation and as a substitute for drinking water used for applications.
v Gothenburg, Sweden AquaRoburIn order to challenge water losses due to leaks, and to control the water distribution,Aqua Robur monitors pipelines by digitizing the network The data is finally shared via Internet of Things (IoT) technology for better water management.
v Nottingham, United Kingdom Quensus Smart Water Metering Solution: a device that monitors and controls water in real time.
v San Luis Obispo, USA Flume water consumption in real time. How does it work? A Water Sensoris placed around the house's water meter.
v Calgary, Canada FREDsensedetect chemicals in the water, such as arsenic, iron or magnesium.
v Kokhav Ya'ir–Tzur Yig'al, Israel KandoClear Upstreamsupplying real-time network intelligence related to wastewater networks.
v Leeuwarden, The Netherlands BiotrackBiotrack uses a technology that detects bacteria. It can be used in the healthcare field, the agri-food industry or in water itself.
v Wauwatosa, USAx has developed a technology to detect contaminants and ensure the purity of drinking water via smart sensors In 2016,NanoAffix was among the winners of theWisconsin Innovation Award.
v Zurich, Switzerland Unisers a universal liquid analyser that can detect"all non-volatile impurities"via a single test.
v Tempe, USA Zero Mass Water technology to create drinking water from the air and the sunlight.
v Randburg, South Africa IDropWater develops solutions to sell clean water at an affordable price. TheI-Dropdevice supplies purified water using nanomesh filtration technology that removes contaminants.
v Tel Aviv, Israel Hilicoolution to off-grid communities: a rain-harvesting device. It is composed of a 1m² collection surface that can be placed on a“vertical anchor”such as a tree, where a system of filtration is linked to a storage unit through a flexible pipe,
v Enschede, The Netherlands Susteq sustainable access to water for people around the world, thanks to prepaid water ATMs.
v Stockholm, Sweden BlueWateralternative to tap water and single-use plastic bottles, both of which can contain traces of contaminants. Through three designs of water purifiers (Pro,Spirit,Cleone),
v Greensboro, USA WRANGLER Jeansrinvested in a water recycling program that enables the company to have arecycling rate of 75%in their Mexican factory, which minimises the water waste in the production of its products.
v Paris, France Danone DanoneCommunities se portfolio Rejoso Kitaproject via which the company is working alongside local communities and farmers based in an Indonesian impluvium zone, for a better water management.Becoming one of the first multinationals to be certifiedB Corp, In 2018,Danone Manifesti Ventureshad already invested in German startupMitte, behind the conception of a device purifying and mineralizing water
v Manitoba, CanadaThe government of Manitobaplaces a great importance on implementing a sustainable approach in their actions to provide water as a safe resource to all citizens of the province.
v London, UK Wateraid founded in 1981, promotes access to“clean water, decent toilets and good sanitation
Working with local authorities in 28 different countries all over the world, they were able to help over 27 million people in need by providing clean water and decent access to toilet
v Kansas City, USA Water.org founded by Gary White and Matt Damon,Water.orgis committed to bringing water and sanitation to the world through affordable financing. Many partners, such asIkea,Bank of AmericaorCartier Philanthropyplay a major role by expanding access to affordable financing to change millions of lives.In 2018, Water.org succeeded in mobilizing $1 billion in capital to help over17 million peoplegain access to water and sanitation mostly in India. To date, more than27 million lives in 16 countrieshave access to safe water and sanitation.
v Bozeman, USA Project WET(Water Education Today) develops water education resources In 2018,Project WET partnered with theRural Education and Economic Development Society (REEDS) to work onwater education in Pakistan, where over 64% of the population do not have access to uncontaminated water, according to thePakistan@100 Shaping the Future’sWorld Bankreport of 2019.