.Lets share some lunchclub updates -more at Economistdiary.com/2020 eg what are varous ways ordinary pcusers are expected to use the new ai pc- at different entry level- for example am i correct that one has to invest about 15000 dollars to be a lamda 3 connector through pc? Or for those (eg parents of 11 year olds in usa 2025-8) who just want eg emails whatsapp zoom (tiktok) linkedin algorithms to sort out 30 years of virtual connections whats min dell system to buy? I am also looking for chapter s[omsors of 2025report.com last of 75 years of mediation by my family and von neumann family and for 40 years The Economist 1951-1990 including now King Charles AI summits- from 1964 Tokyo Olympics win-win between both island post-emires (dad norman awarded honors by both) HUMANITY & INTELLIGENCE's FUTURE
Thanks to Jensen Huang the last decade has been most exciting of 75 years dad Norman Macrae 1:: 2 and then I have had privilege to question inteliligence's future. In 1951 Von Neumann suggested to dad to dad that Economists and Media might be generatively disastrous unless they celebrated questioning future's with engineers. Check out the world Jensen Huang has been inviting humans to linkin since he commited to designing million times more energetic computing including today's AI Chats and deep learning robots.
India 2024 : 2
India 2016
Silicon Valley 2024
2015 with Elon Musk move video to 97 mins 40 secs
Valley March 2025.
Taiwan 2024
Taiwan XX
Wash DC 2024Japan 2024
.Is Human Species capable of celebraing intelligence as deeper (and more open) data flow than politicians printing paper money?
Economistwater.com: Do you know that even the world's biggest nations will fail in 2020s unless their peopled celebrate copiloting waters and energy transmission (CLICK TO PUZZLES of 25% more in 2020s) maps inttrligent;y?
MOTHER EARTHS CODES: ELERCTRIGICATION POWERS THINGS WITH ELECTRICITY: INTELLIGENCE EMPOWERS PEOPLES: FRESH WATER CONNECTS OUR HEALTH & EMOTIONAL COOL Please linkin with me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (Wash DC) to add where we the peoples can add to these 4 spaces for unerathing humanity's intrlligence boosters-
  • Paris Inteligence Action summit February,
  • Santa Clara future of accelerrated computimng partners- nvidia santa clara Japan's Osaka Expo - 6 months in which any nations pavilion can virally survey inteligence of any other pavilion
  • Canada's G7- will all 7 nations leaders sink or swim together. Of course if we the peoples can decide what inteligences top 20 spaces need to be, we have a chance to change every education momemt og every age of person at every community around the world in line with the future of capitalism that The Economist premiered in 1976.Japan and silicon calley had payed with the first decade of moore's law - would other places be free to entrepremeurially join in the milliion times more compute in time?
  • Friday, December 20, 2024

    Who's Intelligence Who -Nominations of whom Neumann Einstein Turing would value most

    Web version of 2025report.com better than mobile but here are some of most exciting intelligence videos
    (please turn mobile on its side)

    November 2024
    , Chairman and CEO, Softbank
    , Founder, President and CEO, NVIDIA Corporation
    Conversation with NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang and Softbank Group Corp. CEO Masayoshi Son to hear what's possible with AI and accelerated computing.
    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s Special Address at AI Summit India

    Gemini Chat 2025.1.1 

    can you help me - i would like to help start up a fantasy league game "most valuable teacher in the woeld". Why: because who & when different people want to learn most from fascinates me; And whether there is a mooc or somethinbg so anyone can affordably learn (scale with concurrent alumni) from a chosen person matters- and of course if software world dies as we  race into AI agent world new questions arise-eg whose agent would you like access to? - is being able to access eg jensen huang's agent going to have same consrquence as acceess to jensen huang - and heaven forbid there's ever an accident to jensen but to make sure his unique legacy survives should design an agent be even more important to superintelligencers that other aspects of writing up a will - does this intro make sense and do you know if anyone is already doing this? - i dont want to reinvent the wheel.

    August 2024
    , Founder and CEO, Meta
    , NVIDIA
    NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang and Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg discuss how fundamental research is enabling AI breakthroughs, and how generative AI and open-source software will empower developers and creators.
    August 2024
    , Sr. Writer, WIRED
    , NVIDIA
    In a talk at SIGGRAPH 2024, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang chats with WIRED Senior Writer Lauren Goode to explore accelerated computing, generative AI, and the breakthrough research that’s fueling the next wave of innovation, virtual worlds, and robotics.
    June 2024
    , Founder and CEO, NVIDIA
    Watch NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang deliver a live keynote address ahead of COMPUTEX 2024 on June 2 at 7 p.m. in Taipei, Taiwan, outlining what’s next for the AI ecosystem.
    May 2024
    , NVIDIA
    , NVIDIA
    , NVIDIA
    NVIDIA experts were on hand to summarize the content of CEO Jensen Huang's GTC keynote, as well as share industry AI trends and digital twin best practices.
    March 2024
    , Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Cohere
    , Co-Founder and CEO, Essential AI
    , Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Inceptive
    , Founder and Chief Executive Officer, NVIDIA
    , Co-Founder, NEAR Protocol
    , Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Sakana AI
    , Member of Technical Staff, OpenAI
    , Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Character.AI
    Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin, hosted by NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang.
    March 2024
    , Principal Engineer and Scientist, AI-HPC and Engineering Lead, Earth-2, NVIDIA
    , Director of Climate Simulation Research, NVIDIA
    In July 2023, NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang announced at the Berlin Summit that three technological breakthroughs are needed to achieve Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE): (i) Simulating Earth’s climate at kilometer-scale; (ii) Using AI to emulate the physics of weather and climate from exabytes of data; (iii) Serving this wealth of information via 
    March 2024
    , Founder and Chief Executive Officer, NVIDIA
    Don't miss this keynote from NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang. He'll share how NVIDIA's accelerated computing platform is driving the next wave in AI, digital twins, cloud technologies, and sustainable computing

    NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference


    GTC 2023 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    1 YEAR AGO  196 VIEWS

    GTC Sept 2022 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang


    GTC 2022 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    2 YEARS AGO  1,102 VIEWS

    GTC Nov 2021 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    3 YEARS AGO  516 VIEWS

    GTC 2021 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    3 YEARS AGO  13,123 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2019 Keynote with NVIDIA SVP Ian Buck

    5 YEARS AGO  4,675 VIEWS

    GTC 2019 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    5 YEARS AGO  160,055 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2018 Keynote with Federal CIO Suzette Kent

    6 YEARS AGO  16,785 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2018 Keynote with NVIDIA VP Ian Buck

    6 YEARS AGO  9,567 VIEWS

    GTC Israel 2018 Keynote with NVIDIA Chief Scientist Bill Dally

    6 YEARS AGO  17,444 VIEWS

    GTC Europe 2018 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang


    GPU Europe 2017 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    7 YEARS AGO  76,319 VIEWS

    GTC 2017 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    7 YEARS AGO  69,107 VIEWS

    GTCx India 2016 Opening Keynote


    GTC DC 2016 Panel, AI and Americas Future

    8 YEARS AGO  244 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2016 Keynote with Dr. France Cordova

    8 YEARS AGO  115 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2016 Keynote with Dr. Jerry Lee

    8 YEARS AGO  3,035 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2016 Keynote with Jason Furman

    8 YEARS AGO  122 VIEWS

    GTC DC 2016 Keynote with NVIDIA Chief Scientist Bill Daly

    8 YEARS AGO  383 VIEWS

    GTC Japan 2016 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    8 YEARS AGO  1,897 VIEWS

    GTC Taiwan 2016 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    8 YEARS AGO  1,623 VIEWS

    GTC Europe 2016 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    8 YEARS AGO  5,283 VIEWS

    GTC 2016 Keynote with Gill Pratt, CEO of Toyota Researc

    8 YEARS AGO  359 VIEWS

    GTC 2016 Keynote with Rob High, CTO of IBM Watson

    8 YEARS AGO  617 VIEWS

    GTC 2016 Opening Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    8 YEARS AGO  493 VIEWS

    GTC 2015 Keynote with Dr. Andrew Ng, Baidu

    9 YEARS AGO  51,913 VIEWS

    GTC 2015 Keynote with Jeff Dean, Google

    9 YEARS AGO  19,226 VIEWS

    1950s Brain pretraining 21st c intelligence ER win-wiu-win mapping of NET's Legacy Neumann Einstein Turing:

    in pretraining for 3 by million times more tech waves, Demand nedia/public servants loyal to decade future-back goals eg jfk space/satellite race/triad reconciliation eg iche bin ein berliner; peace corps

    Always explore above zero sum games eg Kennedy's gameplay saves world from Khruschev

    Safety of All three tech waves needs to prevent- engineers/mathematicians of boith energy and mediation becoming most hated but most nationally wanted of people-- these engineers should demand maxomosation of open source transparency if intelligence global-local economies are to include all

    - end energy that confkixts with human energy (clean food,water) - either nuckear or  earth's abunfant renewablse, Expect ubtelligene enguneeruing to stimulate ever greater demands for energy transmission and borderless infrstructure as intergenrational investment.Trust multilateral: Plan ahead to prevent energy causing wars

    Einstein with Gandhi, Freud & HBU stydents: transform education as action-learnung collaborations and helping eaxh other increase intelligence with new brain tools and worldwide networks

    Unsderstand deep data- cultures; mother earth's climate and virus rules

    Understand recursive curiosity posed by 3 dimensions of decolonial ai (see right)

    75% oi peoples may depend on pacific tradeb more than atlantuc trade; but there is still the isssue that north -south has caused 2 world wars out of euraisa and that the 2 min canals will make the 10% living south of equator poorest unless contients take responsibility north south- complicating this is tropical areas have most diseases (note all main monenrat capitals start north of tropics

    nb many oil deposits are in desrets near equat9ir where lnd is worthless unless you own the oil well- how will such places emerge democracy and become smart enough before era of zero carbon- one southern mieacle solution bottom billion girls pyramid - see abed yunud grant barefoot medic movements across tropics as foundational to intel endi-ing extreme poverty as pathways to deep enough diversity of sov data to celebrate millenials beinf furst renewable gen everywhere

    Wothin the first 5 years of the parting of Neumann Einstein Turong - 3 early leaders to follow areL

    JFK; Prince Charke & UK Royals- Emperor Hirohito & Japan Royals

    =====Big Idea Market Makinng

    Jensen Huang's philosophy of focusing on **market-making** rather than competing in established markets aligns with creating entirely new opportunities and ecosystems. This approach often leads to **intergenerational progress**, as it fosters innovation that can redefine industries and improve quality of life for future generations. Here are some **market-making cases** that millennials and youth can celebrate as examples of intergenerational progress:


    ### **1. AI-Driven Healthcare and Personalized Medicine**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's GPUs and AI platforms are enabling breakthroughs in healthcare, such as drug discovery, genomics, and personalized medicine. For example, AI models can analyze vast amounts of medical data to identify treatments tailored to individual patients.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: This technology has the potential to extend lifespans, improve quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs, benefiting both current and future generations.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Millennials and Gen Z are deeply interested in health and wellness, and they value innovations that democratize access to healthcare.


    ### **2. Climate Modeling and Sustainability Solutions**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's work in climate modeling and weather forecasting is helping scientists better understand and mitigate the effects of climate change. For instance, AI-powered models can predict extreme weather events and optimize renewable energy systems.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: These efforts directly address the climate crisis, which is a top concern for younger generations. By enabling more accurate predictions and sustainable solutions, NVIDIA is contributing to a healthier planet for future generations.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Climate action is a defining issue for millennials and Gen Z, who are eager to celebrate technologies that combat environmental degradation.


    ### **3. Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Transportation**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's DRIVE platform is at the forefront of autonomous vehicle technology, enabling safer, more efficient transportation systems. This includes self-driving cars, drones, and smart city infrastructure.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: Autonomous vehicles have the potential to reduce traffic accidents, lower emissions, and improve mobility for aging populations and people with disabilities.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Younger generations are less attached to car ownership and more open to shared, sustainable mobility solutions. They also value innovations that align with a tech-driven, connected lifestyle.


    ### **4. AI-Powered Education and Workforce Development**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's AI tools are being used to create personalized learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and workforce training programs. These technologies can help bridge the skills gap and prepare workers for the jobs of the future.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: By democratizing access to education and upskilling opportunities, NVIDIA is helping to create a more equitable and adaptable workforce for future generations.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Millennials and Gen Z prioritize lifelong learning and career flexibility. They are likely to celebrate innovations that empower them to thrive in a rapidly changing economy.


    ### **5. Digital Twins and the Metaverse**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's Omniverse platform enables the creation of **digital twins**—virtual replicas of physical systems—that can be used to optimize everything from manufacturing to urban planning. This technology is also foundational to the development of the metaverse.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: Digital twins can lead to more efficient resource use, reduced waste, and better-designed cities, benefiting future generations. The metaverse, meanwhile, has the potential to redefine how people work, learn, and socialize.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Younger generations are digital natives who are excited about immersive technologies and virtual worlds. They are likely to embrace innovations that blend the physical and digital realms.


    ### **6. Robotics and Automation**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's robotics platforms, such as Isaac, are enabling the development of advanced robots for industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture. These robots can perform tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or impossible for humans.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: Robotics and automation can improve productivity, reduce human exposure to hazardous conditions, and address labor shortages, creating a safer and more efficient world for future generations.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Millennials and Gen Z are fascinated by robotics and AI, and they appreciate innovations that enhance human capabilities and improve quality of life.


    ### **7. AI for Creative Industries**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA's AI tools are empowering creators in fields like gaming, film, and design. For example, AI can generate realistic graphics, streamline animation, and even assist in music composition.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: By lowering barriers to entry and expanding creative possibilities, NVIDIA is helping to cultivate a more vibrant and inclusive cultural landscape for future generations.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Younger generations are deeply engaged in creative expression and digital content creation. They are likely to celebrate technologies that amplify their creativity and enable new forms of storytelling.


    ### **8. Quantum Computing and Advanced Research**
       - **Market-Making Impact**: NVIDIA is investing in quantum computing simulations and other advanced research tools that could revolutionize fields like materials science, cryptography, and artificial intelligence.
       - **Intergenerational Progress**: These technologies have the potential to solve some of humanity's most complex problems, from developing new energy sources to curing diseases.
       - **Youth Appeal**: Millennials and Gen Z are drawn to cutting-edge science and technology. They are likely to celebrate innovations that push the boundaries of what is possible.


    ### **Why Millennials and Youth Should Celebrate These Innovations**
       - **Ownership of the Future**: These market-making efforts are shaping the world that younger generations will inherit. By celebrating these innovations, millennials and Gen Z can feel a sense of ownership and agency in driving progress.
       - **Alignment with Values**: These initiatives align with the values of younger generations, such as sustainability, equity, and innovation.
       - **Inspiration for Action**: Highlighting these successes can inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM, entrepreneurship, and social impact, further accelerating intergenerational progress.


    ### **Conclusion**
    NVIDIA's market-making efforts in areas like AI-driven healthcare, climate modeling, autonomous vehicles, and the metaverse represent transformative innovations that millennials and youth can celebrate as intergenerational progress. These advancements not only address pressing global challenges but also create new opportunities for future generations to thrive. By focusing on these areas, NVIDIA is not just building technology—it's building a better future.