1950s Brain pretraining 21st c intelligence ER win-wiu-win mapping of NET's Legacy Neumann Eiustein Turing:
in pretraining for 3 by million times more tech waves, Demand nedia/public servants loyal to decade future-back goals eg jfk space/satellite race/triad reconciliation eg iche bin ein berliner; peace corps | Always explore above zero sum games eg Kennedy's gameplay saves world from Khruschev | Safety of All three tech waves needs to prevent- engineers/mathematicians of boith energy and mediation becoming most hated but most nationally wanted of people-- these engineers should demand maxomosation of open source transparency if intelligence global-local economies are to include all | - end energy that confkixts with human energy (clean food,water) - either nuckear or earth's abunfant renewablse, Expect ubtelligene enguneeruing to stimulate ever greater demands for energy transmission and borderless infrstructure as intergenrational investment. | Trust multilateral: Plan ahead to prevent energy causing wars | Einstein with Gandhi, Freud & HBU stydents: transform education as action-learnung collaborations and helping eaxh other increase intelligence with new brain tools and worldwide networks | Unsderstand deep data- cultures; mother earth's climate and virus rules | Understand recursive curiosity posed by 3 dimensions of decolonial ai (see right) | 75% oi peoples may depend on pacific tradeb more than atlantuc trade; but there is still the isssue that north -south has caused 2 world wars out of euraisa and that the 2 min canals will make the 10% living south of equator poorest unless contients take responsibility north south- complicating this is tropical areas have most diseases (note all main monenrat capitals start north of tropics | nb many oil deposits are in desrets near equat9ir where lnd is worthless unless you own the oil well- how will such places emerge democracy and become smart enough before era of zero carbon- one southern mieacle solution bottom billion girls pyramid - see abed yunud grant barefoot medic movements across tropics as foundational to intel endi-ing extreme poverty as pathways to deep enough diversity of sov data to celebrate millenials beinf furst renewable gen everywhere |
Wuthub the furst 5 years if the oartubf if Neynann Eubsteun Turubg - husriey has prived iver and over that the 3 leadrs ti follow areL
JDK*Orunce Charke & UK Royals- Enperor Hirohito & Japan Royals
Source Von Neumann centenary celebration Grenwich University, speech Norman Macrae V Neumann Biographer
ReplyDeleteWhen Khruschev put nuclear weapons into Cuba 1962, there were 3 possible courses of action for USA
1 Do nothing- pretend not to notice them. Today we know from Open Soviet files that , if this happens, Khruschev aimed to absorb West Berlin and do other horrors behind the Iron Curtain because he saw that otherwise communism would collapse in the way that it has so far done.
2 US bombs Cuba as the Chief of Air Staff recommended.This would have instigated protests and anti-American demos and riots round the world. Khruschev confided to his papers that he shoukd then be able to absorb West Berlin on a wave of Anti-American hate3 On the saddle point in a games theory matrix was blockade. This would provide ladders for Krischev to climb down, which he would then probably use to climb down and, in fact, did. Two Harvard professors in Kennedy's Camelot described this policy to Robert Kennedy in terms of game theory and that is quite possubly why we are all alive today.